Structured water is alive. We could say, and with some truth, that everything is alive. But water lives even though we don’t generally think of it as a living substance. My sense of water’s importance to health and healing began to change before meeting Clayton Nolte. However, my understanding of water’s living state, and its integral role in sustaining and/or restoring health, really began to come home after meeting Clayton. Below is the Talk For Food podcast of the first conversation I had with Clayton on structured water, and the device that he developed that, without magnets, electricity, or any other artificial influence, allows water to return itself to an optimal state just like nature does.
Show #079
Originally produced in February, 2009 and run on Webtalkradio.net
Understanding Structured Water as Fundamental to Health
Everyone knows that water is important, but there are many strategies, each with its proponents and detractors. The newest, but least understood method of water preparation, is also the oldest. Structured water has been produced for thousands of years. Its rediscovery and integration into modern lifestyles is potentially the most exciting and significant things we can do to sustain or restore our health. Adam welcomes Clayton Nolte:
For More Information >> www.photonicwater.com/President_Water_Household.html